Conversation Between Divingstyles and petemes

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Richard,
    I hope you are well. I was just wondering whether you received my email with regards to diving in NZ? There is some great diving here in NZ and well worth you bringing your breather. I could organise some tanks and sorb for you. Dec - March is prime diving season so I am sure we could get something sorted for you. We have a growing group of breather divers. Go onto FB and search for Breatheren or just friend me and I will bring you into the page. Its just breather divers in NZ. then we can hook you up with the mottley crew!!!

    What sort of diving are you into Richard?

    MY details in NZ are

    Mob 027 2782250
    h 09 2686473

    would love to catch up and do some diving together.

  2. Hi
    I am traveling over to NZ in Dec and will be there until Mid March
    I am thinking of sending my RB over.Are there many trips running for RB
    It would only be day trips as I have the family with me,I will be traveling all round NZ and am trying to work out if it is worth sending it over.
    Is all the RB diving around Aukland or is it widely catered for in NZ.
    Just looking for a bit of advise
    Richard Styles
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