Conversation Between JClynes and Majete

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello JClynes. It cheers to me to hear that everything came out well after all. It a few months ago passed more or less the same to me in an immersion to 70mts. There was much current and I fought against her. I suffer hypertension. In the middle of escenso I began to have difficulties to breathe arriving the point to pass to bal out, and even so it could not breathe well. I thought about making an escape free but I stayed there. When finally I finished deco I raised the boat with difficulties and began to escupir blood and had much cold, although it was a warm day. Several hours later already it found me well. It thought about leaving and diving, but it is part of my life. Itself diving with RB but with a little fear. It returned to me to happen weeks ago, again fighting against current. I consider to leave rebreather… I really believe that still breathing with difficulty. I ask myself if already you totally reclaimed are. I will continue reading this post. Greetings.
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