Conversation Between hgusa and blackman

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, I'm actually selling my rEvo III if you are interested.....I have just bought a Meg....cheers
  2. :) Okay for the moment no reason to sell really it's a great machine and it's really working fine. It fits my style of diving even though I have had to do a few mods on it.
    But if you are interested in a rEvo, my instructor is selling his rEvo II, he has had to stop diving. It's a fully upgraded machine, hccr, with a predator controller and 2 revodreams very good condition.
    If interested and you want some pics just send me a line at
    Best regards
  3. I like it very much but needed to do a few changes on it. I wanted to add a possibility of adding offboard dil and oxygene and having a MAV. I am currently in the process of adding the whole shabang so I can do this. I will also be able to completly bypass the ADV and kiss valve.
    So apart from these changes, it's a great machine.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3