Conversation Between Tit0 and Giocollection

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Christophe
    if you want speak quickly with me or with PM or with my mail
    Divesoft It's new!
    If you want to reed a description :
    I sell it due to a bend..... Infact i'll be stopped for one year !
    Freedom is complete with o2 cell connection cable, usb cable, fastering strap, ecc.
    More pics ? No problem let me know your mail.
    For payment bank transfer with IBAN is ok !
    Giovanni Fiocca
    Fedex or other stuff are ok
  2. Hello Giovanni,

    From a french spoken diving web site ( someone send me your "divesoft freedom for sale" page

    I've just been certified OC trimix normoxic, and I'm looking for a diving computer.
    Can you tell me more :
    why did you never used it ?
    why are you selling it ?
    If I buy it, how will we proceed ? (bank payment on your european IBAN bank code vs shipping by fedex or other stuff)

    Christophe LEVEQUE
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